Just like playing an instrument, knowing how to manage your money and credit better is a learned skill. But all too often it’s a skill that many of us haven’t had a chance to learn, let alone strengthen. And that’s what MyMoneyCoach.ca is geared towards: helping you fine tune your money skills and increase your knowledge about your personal finances so you can accomplish your financial goals.

Whether you’re wanting to learn how to save money, budget your money, or manage your debt better or find ways to pay it off faster, rest assured you’ve come to the right place. As an educational outreach of the Credit Counselling Society, MyMoneyCoach.ca is a non-profit website that offers objective help and advice for Canadians seeking financial guidance. As an educational self-help website, our goal is to show you how to take control of your finances and help yourself.

The articles and resources available on MyMoneyCoach.ca are all about learning how to save money for future purchases rather than relying on credit, how to consolidate your debts in Canada, how to budget with super helpful and user-friendly budgeting tools, repairing and improving your credit, ways to get out of debt, and much more.

Achieving financial goals can be a difficult task, and we’re here to make sure you won’t have to do it all on your own. We’re always adding new content, so make sure you check back often.